Monday 4 November 2013


I was lucky enough to be able to change choices this term, i was doing digital beauty, and realised it wasn't for me, so i changed to special effects. The assignment for this unit is called Brave New World, with the use of design of special effects makeup and prosthetics processes for a fashion led production. I am thinking of using the inspiration from what i have found, however add my own interpretation by using really bright neon colours, which as you know, i love. 
The reason why i am excited for this project is the fact that i have planned to use 2 black models which will be my first time. I have one of my models in mind, one being female and the other male. I am looking forward to experimenting with a range of materials on the face and body, looking how implants, prosthetics, body art and scarification can change the body, and also looking into tribal cultures.

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