Friday 6 December 2013



Wow! All I can say is that I’m so glad that I decided to change choices from Digital Beauty to Special Effects.
This unit has taught me so many things, and I love how the university has the choice of design of special effects makeup, along with prosthetics to create imagery for fashion led production.
My ideas have evolved throughout the unit, and my blog shows this. I started looking at tribes, and then I moved onto colour and realised that both of my final images would have to be colourful. Scarification is a big thing I have been looking at, and how it’s part of everyday life in a tribe, and also how people in today’s society get it done to themselves.
My first look with Soloman, was extremely difficult, and I have learnt that I need to practice a lot before hand, both with colour, and the gelatin. I was stuck between keeping the balls of gelatin white or to colour them, this is why my poor model was sat in the chair for hours, as I had to paint them 1 by 1. Sticking them on was also a tough process. Making sure every single ball is symmetrical on each side of the face was very frustrating, however I tried my hardest. It didn’t come out as good as I wished it did, but I am still very happy, and the image shows my hard work.
I have to admit, Ellisha is by far the best, and my favourite shoot I have ever done. She is the most amazing model, and working with her was a pleasure. I really enjoyed working with latex and fabric, and even though you can see in a few places where the latex is stuck, viewers are also focussed on the make up on her eyes and lips. The colours really suit Ellisha and her fierceness.
I was very lucky to have Kieran Le Vine in my final shoot, which was kind enough to lend me head garments that he has made himself by hand. They were beautiful and so delicate, and I hope I can collaborate with him in the future.
Overall, I feel very proud and happy with my images and progress. It was great getting mucky and trying new things with special effects, and I really have enjoyed this unit, and hope to develop my skills further next year. 

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