Friday 6 December 2013

Jan Schlegel

Jan Schlegel is a photographer i came across during my research. He has visited over 61 countries in his lifetime, regularly travelling to remote places, such as Africa and Asia, which are 'secluded from tourism of the western world. I love his images, as they are so natural and beautiful, and none are staged, and all 'captured in their own habitat. ' The only thing which is used on every image is a grey background, causing 'attention to the people, not on their living conditions'
As mentioned on his website, 'The basic message is the internal and external beauty of the pictured people, emphasising their uniqueness, their value and their irreparableness. He fights for the particularity and individuality of the cultures. 
He is such an inspiring photographer. He gets involved with the tribes, living their everyday lives, staying several weeks.
He gains trust with the people, to be able to create such a deep, intense and beautiful photograph. 

All images are from JAN C. SCHLEGEL website

Nale, 18, Sure Tribe, Ethiopia.

Rendille Tribe

Katukula, 18, Himba Tribe, Namibia

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